Christian Counseling For Teens

Frequently Asked Questions about Teen Anxiety

By |February 21st, 2024|Anxiety, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured|

Are the worries of all children alike? Like their physical bodies, anxiety manifests differently throughout the phases of childhood and adolescence. Younger children are more likely to be anxious about external things such as bugs, darkness, monsters under the bed, or something terrible happening to their parents. Teens, on [...]

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How Family Counseling Can Reduce Conflict in Your Home Life

By |November 16th, 2023|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured, Relationship Issues|

Whether your teen is a tween or an older teen, family counseling can help restore your household’s peace. Even if you have a good relationship with your teenager, pursuing counseling together can build on the strong foundation that’s already there. Benefits of family counseling with your teen. A few [...]

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Signs of Depression in Teens to Look Out For

By |August 5th, 2023|Christian Counseling For Teens, Depression, Featured|

Change can be difficult to navigate for teens. Even adults, who have had more time to develop coping tools, often find themselves struggling to deal with change in their lives. The teenage years are chock-full of changes as one enters adolescence. Depending on how a particular person copes with [...]

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Does My Child Need a Counselor?

By |May 10th, 2023|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Dental, Family Counseling, Featured|

You love your kid and want the best for them. As a parent, you want to soothe every bump and bruise; deal with every trial and triumph. You want to help your child succeed in their endeavors and be their counselor when necessary. Yet sometimes, parents, despite their best [...]

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