We were created to be a blessing on the earth. God fashioned us to release that through the unique way that He fashioned each of us to fulfill divine purpose. Every time we receive another revelation of our true self from the Holy Spirit, we are changed forever.
Although God is bound to fulfilling His Word, we also have a share and an investment in the process. We take what He has shown us in prayer and steward that Word with the words we speak until what God has spoken is our reality on earth.
Every seed that God has given us is one with a choice attached. When we afford attention and effort to focus on the vision, we grow the seed. We partner with God by “watering” His Word with our decision to reflect, rehearse, and recite scriptures and affirmations that build our faith in the direction of destiny.
If we don’t cultivate it with prayer and God’s Word, what we believe, has the potential to get choked out by sin or the busyness of everyday life. God has invited us into significant plans, but we must recognize our worth and the treasure He’s placed within us, so we don’t shortchange ourselves where we can receive His help to overcome.
The enemy will not sit idly when the Holy Spirit speaks. He will come to tempt us into sin so that we halt our momentum. He will steal the Word, often through our distraction, so that we get caught up in the cares of life and fail to nurture it (Mark 4:15). This is why Satan engages us in rehearsing negative scripts, targeting our insecurities, and magnifying our faults through recycled shame stories. He establishes these as strongholds that tether us to lies.
Instead of nurturing the Truth that God has spoken, our distorted thoughts can reconfigure our lives to look less like what God designed for destiny. They take on the form of the enemy’s blueprint to steal, kill, and destroy.
Not only does he seek to rob us of unique promises where God desires our partnership, but the devil plants lies to mimic or act as a counterfeit to what God said. When we believe the shame narratives, they operate with the strength and the speed of truth. Infiltrating our entire being, deception reshapes our minds and skews our thoughts.
Jesus made it clear that His sheep would know His Voice (John 10:27). However, we will only follow Him as we learn His ways so we don’t get deceived or snatched by false teachings and promises. It is in cultivating a close relationship with who the Savior is that we can discern or differentiate between what is from Him and what isn’t (Hebrews 4:12).
While the enemy will condemn and shame, God doesn’t operate in guilt, manipulate, or control (Romans 8:1). The Holy Spirit will convict or convince us of sin and nudge our hearts, even reminding us of places where we erred so that we can confess and return to Him.
Next Steps
All have sinned, but shame cannot mark your end if you have accepted, believed, and confessed Christ as Savior (Romans 3:23; 10:9). When you repent and return to the Lord, His forgiveness,
grace, and mercy move you forward with a heart more closely aligned with the Father (1 John 1:9). A righteous person falls, but gets up (Proverbs 24:16).
You can embrace the support available through counselors on this site. Connect today to get started. Get going; your future is waiting.
“Woman in desperate and anxiety sitting alone”, Courtesy of Pexels.com, CC0 License
- Kate Motaung: Curator
Kate Motaung is the Senior Writer, Editor, and Content Manager for a multi-state company. She is the author of several books including Letters to Grief, 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times, and A Place to Land: A Story of Longing and Belonging...
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