Initiating conversations and keeping them engaging can sometimes be tricky, especially in the initial stages of a relationship. If you are intimidated by small talk, therapy can be a valuable resource for teaching you conversation starters, as well as other dating advice for men.

Therapy offers a unique opportunity for you to enhance your conversational skills in a safe and controlled environment. A therapist can help you identify your communication style and show you areas in need of improvement, as well as explore insecurities and cognitive distortions from your past.

Dating Advice for Men: Conversation Starters

Once you’re armed with more effective conversation skills, you can explore some new conversation starters, to help ease the tensions and ensure a smooth start to your date. Below are some suggestions for conversation starters for men to use to grow their budding relationship.

What Christian authors have influenced your spiritual walk?

Not only will this question give you insights into your date’s theological beliefs, but it will also help you learn more about her spiritual journey. It might even introduce you to some great new authors and books.

If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and why?

Asking your date this playful question gives you insights into her priorities and sense of humor. Does she want to be invisible? Maybe she is an introvert and would rather go about her day unnoticed by people. Does she want to fly? Your date just might have an adventuresome spirit!

If you could have dinner with any historical figure, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

This is an easy question to work into a conversation at dinner because it’s on theme. It will also spark an interesting discussion about history and personal interests. It may even give you a glimpse into her philosophical perspectives.

What’s your favorite way to unwind at the end of a long day?

This question invites your date to share insights into their relaxation preferences, helping you understand her self-care routine. It may also help you plan future dates. Ask toward the beginning of the date so you will have some insights as to how she might want to end the night.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever received?

If you want to get to know more about your date’s life experiences, ask her this question. It will likely lead to a conversation about personal growth and resilience. Plus, you may walk away with a valuable gem of wisdom to carry into your own life.

What is the most meaningful compliment you’ve ever received?

Discovering the compliments that have impacted your date’s self-esteem and confidence can deepen your understanding of her values and sense of self-worth. It will also help you know what type of compliments will be well received and which might not be valuable to her.

How do you prioritize God in your relationships?

This question will reveal your date’s commitment to honoring God and His principles in her dating life and general interactions with others. It will help you determine if you share similar values and if your spiritual journey will smoothly align with hers.

Help for learning conversation starters

Conversation starters are an essential asset to have in your dating toolbox. Memorize a few and practice saying them in front of a mirror, striving for a natural. A well-chosen conversation starter can guide the dialogue into a flowing, natural discussion.

If you are interested in therapy to understand yourself and your hopes for relationships, reach out to our offices today. We can set up an appointment with a counselor in our practice who can help you with communication skills and relationship practices.

“Flower Stall”, Courtesy of Alisa Anton,, CC0 License