Sandra Stein

About Sandra Stein

Sandra Kovacs Stein was born in Calcutta, India, grew up in the Dominican Republic, and went to school in Canada, where she planned to settle after getting her Master’s degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology. Instead, she fell in love with an American and moved to Queens, New York after they married.Stein has experienced many unexpected twists and turns in her life, which have taught her to be adaptable and open to trying new things. She has enjoyed a variety of work experiences, including speech pathologist/audiologist, computer programmer, technical writer, abstractor, and transcriptionist. With the advent of digital photography, she became an avid photographer of nature and wildlife, and has used some of her photos to author several children’s picture books.Stein lives in northern Virginia, close to her daughter, three of her seven grandchildren, and four of her six great-grandchildren.

Frequently Asked Questions about ADHD in Children

By |March 14th, 2024|ADHD/ADD, Christian Counseling for Children, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

ADHD in children is a common neurodevelopmental disorder that causes a child’s brain to work differently than the brain of a child who does not have ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). The part of the brain affected is the frontal part that controls executive function skills such as planning, organizing, decision-making, [...]

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Frequently Asked Questions about Teen Anxiety

By |February 21st, 2024|Anxiety, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured|

Are the worries of all children alike? Like their physical bodies, anxiety manifests differently throughout the phases of childhood and adolescence. Younger children are more likely to be anxious about external things such as bugs, darkness, monsters under the bed, or something terrible happening to their parents. Teens, on [...]

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