Jennifer Kooshian

About Jennifer Kooshian

Jennifer Kooshian lives in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with her husband of 32 years on a small homestead near Lake Superior. They have five adult children and one grandson. She also has an ever-changing number of chickens, a mellow old cat, and an aspiring farm dog.The passions that God has pressed on her heart are hospitality, giving college students a home away from home, and helping people learn to grow and preserve their own food.Jennifer spends her spring and summer months growing vegetable plants and flowers to sell to her community and for her own gardens. Her fall and winter months are spent having local college students over for dinner and board games, participating in her church’s college ministry, crocheting, and dreaming of her summer gardens. She also loves living where 15 feet of snow is a light winter.She documents her homestead adventures on Instagram and Facebook as Cooper Island Homestead and runs an Etsy shop under the same name.

Navigating Seasons in Your Marriage Through Couples Counseling

By |May 29th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Everything that is living grows and changes. Though we would like to keep certain things the way they are, life is constantly moving and becoming new. To keep up with all these changes, it’s important to be adaptable and to recognize the ever-changing nature of life and relationships. This [...]

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5 Bible Verses for Trauma Healing

By |October 23rd, 2023|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Spiritual Development, Trauma|

Trauma is a term used to describe an experience or event that causes severe psychological distress. It is linked more to how the individual feels and responds, than to the event itself. It can be said to be the unique experience of an individual to an event or the [...]

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