When two people who are in love decide to get married, they are aware of the commitment they are making. With marriage, these two commit to being each other’s companions for the rest of their lives. It is a joyful moment as they have found the one person to offer them love, security, stability, and someone to experience all life has to offer.

With marriage, however, comes a lot of changes and adjustments as both spouses learn to navigate life with another person. As beautiful as it is marriage also can bring about new challenges that might cause distress to one or both spouses. This is where marriage therapy at Keller Christian Counseling can help.

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Marriage counseling in Keller, Texas is a process by which a married couple goes to a licensed therapist to get help with their relationship. In this situation, a marriage therapist performs the role of a mediator helping a couple with a safe space to talk out their problem and be taught how to listen and hear each other. In the counseling room, the therapist takes time to listen to the couple’s story, make evaluations as to what could be causing their struggles and equip the couple with effective tools for relating.

Marriage counseling at Keller Christian Counseling opens the door for couples to finally be heard by their spouse and get help on dealing with sensitive issues that they might not be able to deal with on their own.

The state of the family in most instances relies on the marriage relationship for sustenance and nourishment. If the marriage relationship is in trouble, it means the family is also in trouble. With marriage therapy at Keller Christian Counseling, it’s not only the couple that is served but the family.

For this reason, marriage therapy can also serve those couples that want to strengthen their marriage and be offered tools on how to do that. A marriage need not be in trouble for couples to seek help.

As most married couples will attest, marriage is not always easy. This is not because there is something inherently wrong with the couple, it is just that with new seasons, new roles, and life in general, it can be hard to maintain your relationship. At times, this neglect can result in the deterioration of a marriage.

It is in times like these that a professional can help in defining and understanding the different seasons in which a couple might find themselves. They will also be helped in understanding whom they are becoming, and whom their spouse is becoming, all while being given tools to course correct where needed. Having someone bring a new perspective into a situation is invaluable as that can change relationships.

Marriage counseling is also important for addressing marital concerns and disputes. In life, a married couple can encounter issues that are beyond their capabilities to resolve on their own.

A marriage therapist will help a couple with difficult conversations, providing a safe space to vent, be heard, and be validated. As the couple works through their issues, they are also relieved of the emotional and mental turmoil they might have been experiencing due to the conflict they were having.

Marriage counseling is also important because it can give couples a chance to save their marriage. When a couple is in their home with their issues, they might feel very isolated, as if they are the only ones facing that particular problem. In marriage counseling, they would be encouraged to hear about others that might have triumphed and be given a new sense of hope with the tools that the therapist will provide.

For most people, marriage counseling will be their first encounter with a therapist or counselor. This can be a daunting experience, and prospective clients might have many concerns about what to expect from marriage counseling.

Below are some things couples can expect to happen in Christian marriage counseling in Keller, Texas:

Paperwork and Policies – Any client and therapist relationship begins with the explanation of policies, legalities, and the framework that structures their interaction. Clients would be expected to sign intake forms and payment agreement forms. This process happens during the first session and clients are encouraged to ask any questions they might have

Number and Structure of Sessions – The number and structure of sessions are determined by the couple and the therapist. Couples come for counseling for many reasons and these reasons are what would determine the structure and method used for therapy.

For marriage therapy to work, both spouses need to attend and be committed to the process. This is not to say that one of the spouses cannot come on their own to seek help in improving themselves and how they understand their relationship if their spouse is not willing. If a couple does come together, they can also expect to have individual sessions with the therapist so the therapist can better understand them as individuals and as a couple.

Safe, Impartial, and Confidential Setting – We understand that coming for counseling can be a very vulnerable experience for most couples. All of our therapists will provide an open, safe, and confidential setting to work through any issues. Our therapists are also impartial in their work. There need not be any fear of judgment, prejudice, or favoritism. We work from the framework of supporting the couple as a unit and each spouse will be supported in the best way possible.

Homework and Goal Setting – Most couples come for marriage counseling to know what might have gone wrong with their relationship, how that can be changed, and how to make sure they do not fall into the same pitfalls. To ensure that there is an understanding of concepts and understanding of the role each spouse can play to improve relations, clients must expect that they will be given homework to do.

In marriage counseling, couples will soon realize that most of the work will be done outside the counseling room. Homework can be in the form of exercises they need to do to master a new skill or improve communication. They might also be required to read books or listen to experts on topics that pertain to their situation for them to have a deeper understanding.

At Keller Christian Counseling, couples seek marriage counseling at different stages of their marriage relationship. This can be due to many reasons.

Being in love and in a relationship with someone for life can be exciting but it also comes with its challenges that might need to be addressed along the way. Couples do not only seek counseling if something goes wrong, others might just feel that they need help in deepening their relationship and intimacy. Below are some topics covered in marriage counseling depending on a couple’s unique needs:

  • Dealing with the loss and grief, especially that of a child
  • Infidelity, unfaithfulness, and loss of trust
  • Sexual Intimacy issues
  • Infertility
  • One or both spouses feel they have fallen out of love
  • Parenting style conflicts
  • Poor communication and conflict resolution styles
  • Help to deal with a re-occurring issue
  • Personal growth
  • Considering divorce
  • Help with navigating changes
  • Mental Health problems
  • Addiction
  • Dealing with trauma
  • Help with finances

Next Steps

If you and your spouse are considering marriage counseling, please get in touch with us. At Keller Christian Counseling, we have qualified counselors who will walk the journey with you as a couple and ensure that you get the help and insight you require. A healthier and stronger bond between you and your spouse could be a phone call away.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(817) 918-1787