A person’s life comprises several different facets, including their personal relationships, their relationships with their colleagues, their mental, emotional and physical health, and a sense of purpose or meaning. Each of these facets contribute to the sense of well being that registers as happiness or feeling whole. It’s important to pay attention to who you are as a person in your entirety, and to seek to cultivate flourishing in these different areas of your life. At Keller Christian Counseling in Keller, Texas, we offer faith-based counseling for personal development to help you grow into the person God created you to be.

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(817) 918-1787

Personal development is about intentionally strengthening aspects of your life that may be lacking in some way, or cultivating depth in others where you may already be flourishing. Having a meaningful life is tied to healthy relationships, a sense of purpose and vocation, and in any one of these or other areas, there may be issues that you need to address to garner the fullness of what God intends for you.

For instance, you may struggle with relationships because of your temper. Personal development is about looking at the area of life where you may be struggling, discerning what the issue is, and setting a plan in motion to address those concerns. At Keller Christian Counseling in Texas, counseling for personal development is about getting the tools you need to achieve your goals and live an enriched life in Christ.

What is the life path that you’re on? As Raymond Ortlund Jr. once put it,

Everyone is on a path. Everyone is going somewhere. When we feel stuck, even when we feel trapped, the truth is, we are still in motion. Life is a journey, and the end of it all is not just a place but also a condition. We are becoming the end of our journey, wise or foolish, and every moment takes us closer there.Raymond Ortlund Jr. 

Your life is taking shape as we speak, and you’re on a path. That path is impacted by your culture and the environment you’re in, the people that are around you such as your family who give you your genetics and your start in life, as well as your personal choices. You can’t control the culture around you or your genetics, but what you do have an impact over are the personal choices that you make. At Keller Christian Counseling in Texas, your counselor will help you assess your choices and create a plan to reach the goals you set for yourself.

Counseling for personal development in Keller, Texas is about taking greater ownership of your personal choices. It’s about being more aware of your own goals, intentions, motivations, limitations, and skills, and taking steps to ensure that your choices reflect your values and get you closer to your desired goals. Where you lack certain skills to achieve these goals and made good choices, working with a Christian counselor in Keller, Texas to develop a personal development plan will put you on a path toward accomplishing your goals. 

The counselors at Keller Christian Counseling are concerned for your well being, and they are equipped to help you flourish in your relationships, as well as your spiritual, mental, and emotional health. They understand the contours of the abundant life that God desires for people, and can walk with you toward embracing those promises in Jesus Christ.

Every person has their own unique struggles, areas of weakness and strength, and goals that feel particular and satisfying to them. Some personal goals that you could set for yourself include: 

  • Getting healthier. This may include other goals such as eating well, reducing your sugar or salt intake, getting more fit and stronger, losing weight, stopping smoking or drinking coffee, getting good sleep, and many more.
  • Doing hard and interesting things. This may include completing a milestone such as running a marathon, learning a new language, visiting a foreign country, climbing a mountain, finishing school, doing a professional enrichment course, setting and enforcing healthy boundaries, or learning how to drive or ride a bicycle.
  • Self-discovery. You can set a goal of learning more about yourself, such as your triggers of anxiety or anger, and finding out how to calm yourself and cope effectively during those times.

Developing skills to help nurture your relationships. Relationships take time and skill to nurture. Skills such as conflict resolution, becoming a better listener, improving your ability to identify, name, and express your own emotions in a helpful way are all necessary for having healthier relationships. You can also learn what your communication style is, and develop ways to communicate effectively so that you are heard as you intend.

If you’re in or around Keller, Texas, you can turn to the Christian counselors at Keller Christian Counseling to help you on your personal development journey. Your counselor can help you discern areas where you desire growth, and they can work with you to develop an effective plan to achieve those goals. Whether through counseling or coaching to address your specific needs, at Keller Christian Counseling you can find the support that will help you accomplish your personal development goals.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(817) 918-1787