The world that God created and placed us in is wide, wonderful, and full of a bewildering amount of beauty and variety. Being able to exist well within this world requires that we understand not only how the world works, but also how we work. People aren’t just bodies, though bodies are part of what it means to be human. We also have emotions, minds, and spirits that need to be nurtured so that we can be fully who God intended us to be.

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Keller Christian Counseling in Keller, Texas offers spiritual development to help people live their fullest potential in their spiritual lives and in their relationship with their creator. Spiritual development is about becoming more aware of yourself as a spiritual being, and growing in your ability to relate to and commune with the God who created you.

This relationship with God should affect every aspect of your life. It takes time and effort to grow in your understanding of who God is and how to live in a way that pleases Him. Spiritual development is about having the skills to make sense of your world and experiences in light of who God is. It also includes as ability to act wisely in the world in ways that are informed by your relationship with the Lord.

One Christian from centuries past wrote in his prayer called Confessions that:

…since man is a part of your creation, he wishes to praise you. The thought of you stirs him so deeply that he cannot be content unless he praises you, because you made us for yourself and our hearts find no peace until they rest in youSt. Augustine

What Augustine was saying is that we have a God-shaped hole within us. We were created by God and for God, and without Him our hearts are restless. We yearn for something to fill that hole. Sometimes, we’ll look to success, money, sex, power, beauty, and many other things to provide us that sense of meaning and purpose that can only come from God.

Tim Keller explains in his book Counterfeit Gods that, “If we look to some created thing to give us the meaning, hope, and happiness that only God himself can give, it will eventually fail to deliver and break our hearts.” Spiritual development matters because it connects you to the one true source of hope, meaning, and happiness, so that your goals and life pursuits are fruitful and aligned with reality.

Human beings are creatures that inhabit a significant role in God’s creation. We are made from dust and in many ways we’re not different from other animals that inhabit our beautiful planet. The account of creation in the first book of the Bible indicates that when God made us, He formed us “from the dust of the ground” (Genesis 2: 7, NIV), just as other animals were.

We eat, sleep, die, and do much else that other animals do (Ecclesiastes 3: 18-22).

However, there’s more to the picture. Though humanity was formed from the dust, that passage in Genesis goes on to say that God “breathed in his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being” (Genesis 2: 7, NIV). Earlier on, of all the creatures God made, it’s only of humans that it’s said they are created in God’s image, and they are created to partner with God by taking care of what God had created (Genesis 1: 26-31).

People are thus more complicated and occupy a different role in God’s creation than the other animals, and part of spiritual development is to help people come to an understanding of their role in God’s world. There are many competing visions out there about what human beings are, and what our role in this world is, so it’s important to have a healthy understanding of both questions.

Some of the goals you can set for yourself include:

  • Being more conversant with the Bible, including being able to read it regularly and with comprehension.
  • Cultivating spiritual practices such as prayer, fasting, charity, and fellowship with other believers.
  • Growing in your understanding of how to apply Biblical wisdom to everyday situations and problems, such as taking care of your physical health, how to handle money, resolving conflict with others, or how to enjoy your work more.
  • Developing a more meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ that goes beyond the surface.

Definitely, yes! The Christian counselors at Keller Christian Counseling in Texas can walk with you to help you understand yourself better, set spiritual development goals that are meaningful to you, and then create and implement a plan to help you accomplish those goals.

So if you’re looking for Christian counseling in Keller, Texas, to help you with your spiritual development goals, the counselors at Keller Christian Counseling will journey with you toward deeper spiritual flourishing and wholeness in your life.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(817) 918-1787