As we go through life, we connect to people in different ways. There are different relationships that we develop as we grow and change in our lifetime. Parents, siblings, friends, and extended family relationships can come with unique issues. Relationship issues arise because we are human and we have a hard time relating to those around us. If you’re struggling with relationship issues, Keller Christian Counseling in Texas can help.

Most of the relationship issues we face are due to communication problems, arguments, different opinions, and jealousy. Sometimes feeling left out can cause a person to develop an issue with friends or family. It is important to remember that God desires us to be kind and loving to one another.

I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples: if you have love for one another. – John 13:34-35, NASB

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Do you feel like something is standing in the way of you connecting with other people? Do you wonder why you don’t have many (if any) friends? If you feel as though you struggle to meet people and maintain relationships, there could be a few reasons why.

The most common underlying factor in relationship issues is personal problems. Some people have issues that keep them from forming long-lasting relationships. These problems can range from negative childhood experiences to health concerns, or addiction issues. These aren’t the only reasons that a person has difficulty with relationships, but they are the more common ones.

The first step in getting help with relationship issues is to acknowledge that there is an issue that you want to overcome. When you find a Christian counselor that you feel comfortable with, then you can work toward creating healthy relationships.

The counselors at Keller Christian Counseling in Texas are available to help you identify any underlying issues and assist you in learning how to create meaningful relationships. Your counselor in Keller, Texas will work with you so that you can find healing and learn how to remove the barriers that are keeping you from healthy relationships.

Not only will your therapist at Keller Christian Counseling help you identify the issues, they will also work with you to set goals to help you achieve healthy relationships. These goals may include:

  • To encourage a relationship with God.
  • To promote ways to nurture relationships.
  • To assist in understanding how to eliminate roadblocks in relationships.
  • To establish a process of healing from past wounds.

There are many types of everyday relationships that counseling can play a part in developing. Most people have work relationships. A lot of people have family and friend relationships. Many people have fellowship relationships at church. Every relationship a person has can benefit from relationship counseling in Keller, Texas.

Some of the more common relationships that people want to cultivate are:

  • Family: This isn’t only the typical parent or sibling relationship. This relationship can include the extended relationships with aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws. Developing a faith-based relationship with extended family can create a togetherness for all involved. Learning to connect as a family through Christ can lead to quality family time.
  • Friends: People want to have friendships that stand the test of time. They want to develop relationships with people who will be there when they feel alone. People want to experience life with others who have the same likes and preferences. They want to build a quality friendship that provides a safe place for help in times of need. This relationship can also be formed through church fellowship.
  • Church fellowship: Most Christians want to connect with like-minded believers. This helps when it comes to spiritual guidance. One of the best ways to form these relationships is to be involved in the small groups that most churches promote. When a person cultivates this type of relationship, they can share faith-based encouragement. 

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. – Proverbs 17:17, NASB

Deciding to pursue Christian counseling for relationship issues can be the first step in building healthy self-esteem. When an individual understands that relationships evolve from a healthy view of oneself, they can begin to cultivate relationships that will be encouraging and long-lasting.

One of the most important ways counseling can help with self-esteem is to grow in understanding how the issues from the past have affected a person’s development mentally and emotionally. These types of issues can become barriers to creating relationships.

Next steps

Contact Keller Christian Counseling in Texas today to help you gain insight into relationship issues and how to develop meaningful friendships that last.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(817) 918-1787