Because we are all different, there are no universal steps to follow as an individual experiences grief. Here are some questions to help you identify whether or not you may benefit from grief counseling in Keller, Texas.

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Some individuals may get through the grieving process without a counselor’s assistance. However, some feel they are stuck in a certain phase of grieving. They feel like they cannot move forward because they cannot continue with normal activities.

When an individual finds themselves having thoughts of self-harm, death, suicide, or recurring thoughts, they may need to seek grief therapy with Christian counselors at Keller Christian Counseling in Texas.

Other signs may include continuing self-blame, disconnection from others, or feeling that life is not worth living. Experiencing these behaviors or thoughts could be the result of complicated grief. It is important to receive help with this type of grief to overcome the negative cycle of grief.

It is important to remember that there is no definition of “normal” grieving. There is no way to know what to expect as you begin processing the loss of a loved one. Some individuals can process grief as it comes, and others are less likely to grieve in public. It doesn’t matter how you grieve. The important thing is that you understand it is normal to grieve even if it looks different from another person’s grief.

Most grief counselors agree that there are five stages of grief that individuals may experience. These do not have to flow in any particular order; some individuals may go back and forth between some of these before reaching the acceptance stage.

These stages are:

  • Denial: feeling like the loss just can’t be real.
  • Anger: sometimes there is a feeling of anger once the reality of the loss manifests.
  • Bargaining: in the middle of the pain you want to find a way to cope so you try to reason how you could have changed the outcome.
  • Depression: with loss, there could be depression. A heavy sadness of your loved one not being a part of life as before.
  • Acceptance: where you realize that even though you miss them, you know you will be okay.

Different types of grief are based on the loss and the circumstances surrounding that event.

Delayed grief happens when an individual does not find a way to cope with the loss. Rather than acknowledge the grief, this person suppresses the emotions of grief and continues in life to the next thing. 

Anticipatory grief usually happens before the loss. This is typical for those who know that their loved one is going to pass and they begin the grieving process during the end-of-life stage of their loved one.

Complicated grief is when the individual feels caught in grief and unable to continue with daily activities.

Dealing with grief is a personal journey. No journey looks the same, meaning each person’s healing process looks different. As a Christian, there is hope that there will be a time when the pain of grief doesn’t consume a person.

Grief may not always feel discouraging. Even if it is present throughout life, it doesn’t mean it will be heartbreaking. When you connect with the Christian counselors at Keller Christian Counseling, you will find help as you learn to navigate the loss of your loved one.

Healing from grief doesn’t mean that a person will not experience the pain of the loss. It means that a person can continue living while coping with their loss.

“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore,  for the former things have passed away.” – Revelation 21:4, ESV

When a Christian loses a loved one, it doesn’t hurt any less. A Christian still experiences the grief process. There is one benefit of being a Christian when you lose a loved one. That benefit is hope in eternal life through Jesus. Your Christian counselor in Keller, Texas can help you navigate the emotions you face as a Christian who is grieving.

The counselors at Keller Christian Counseling in Texas will use a faith-based treatment plan to help you understand the process of grieving. Using Scripture, you can find peace and hope as you begin to adjust to life without your loved one.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3, ESV

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