Just like adults, children are not immune to the challenges of life that might leave them struggling to cope. These challenges could be the result of a traumatic event, developmental struggles, or a mental health condition. Counseling for children can be a tough subject for parents. This is understandable.

At Keller Christian Counseling we are here to serve families considering counseling for their children as we believe in helping parents feel comfortable with seeking professional insight.

Families can be viewed as a system, if one member is not well it means that the whole family is affected. To bring understanding and relief to the family, help for the child that is struggling will serve not only them but everyone they love. Children who are struggling for whatever reason will be affected by how they manage their emotions, learn and behave. This is why counseling for children is important.

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Please contact our reception team at
(817) 918-1787

It can be very hard for a parent to see that their child is going through something because they are young and innocent. At Keller Christian Counseling in Texas, we are here to make the journey easier for the child and their family. There are many reasons why parents might seek the help of a Counselor for their child, below are some common situations:

Trauma and/or PTSD – If a child has gone through a traumatic situation, it is always advisable to get professional help to help them process their experience and also teach them how to cope after. Trauma in children could be a result of abuse (sexual, physical, emotional), domestic violence, accidents, natural disasters, and more.

Developmental Milestones – Although children do not grow at the same level, there are times when a child is behind their peers. This can be a situation where parents can seek the help of a counselor to help them understand how to help their child, but also help their child understand their condition.

Mental Health Conditions – Depending on how old a child is, they sometimes suffer from a mental health condition. Children can be diagnosed with ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, OCD, and more. If a parent suspects that their child might be suffering from these, getting help from a professional will help in seeking the answers they require. They will also be informed of treatment plans to help support their child.

Life Transitions – Times of transition can be very challenging for children. There can be a lot of anxiety due to uncertainty and new beginnings. If parents are aware of an impending transition, it is prudent to get help in preparing their children for that transition so they are equipped and are not anxious as they are taught what to expect. Big transitions could be relocating, the birth of a sibling, or parents separating, only to mention a few.

Grief and Loss – Any loss can be huge to children, from the loss of a blanket to the loss of a loved one. If you find that your child is not coping after any loss, it could be time to get them help. In counseling, they will be allowed to process their grief in a safe and loving environment where their feelings are validated and explained.

Bullying – Experienced mostly at school and in friendship circles, bullying can be detrimental to a child’s development, self-confidence, and ability to learn. In extreme cases, bullying can end up causing physical harm. A child that is being bullied needs help to build themselves up and also deal with their feelings. Counseling can help combat issues such as a negative self-image.

Personal Development – Most times people consider counseling for children as a response to huge topics like abuse or trauma, but parents can seek counseling for their children for other reasons. Counseling can help them master life and all its complexities, and it can be used for personal development. Children can be made aware of their strengths and weaknesses and guided through a process of self-discovery and self-mastery.

Substance Abuse and Addiction – It can be very alarming when parents learn that their child is involved in drugs or any other substances. Substance abuse can be a symptom of other problems the child might be going through. Counseling will examine all of this to help appropriately.

When a child is involved with substances it can be stressful for the family, they might not have the knowledge or tools how to help their loved one. Bringing your child for therapy will help them deal with their substance abuse, and the family can be educated on how to help.

Signs and Symptoms

One sure way that parents can use to answer the question, “Does my child need therapy” is to watch out for changes in behavior and their child’s personality. When children experience troubling situations, they act out as a way of signaling that something is wrong. Below is a list of some behaviors to look out for:

  • Sudden loss of appetite or eating more than usual
  • Inability to sleep properly, either sleeping too much or too little
  • Social Isolation
  • Bed wetting (Regression)Nightmares
  • Being too clingy
  • Suicidal thoughts and ideation
  • Self-Harm
  • Unjustified aggression and violence
  • Deviant behaviors
  • Lack of interest in school and grades dropping drastically
  • Excessive worrying and sadness
  • Crying excessively

At Keller Christian Counseling we are happy to say that we have built a practice that will help put parents at ease as they walk this journey with their children. Parents can expect to be treated with the utmost respect and to be kept informed on progress, treatment plans, and concerns.

As much as the counseling is for the child, progress requires the parents or caregivers to be involved and committed to the process. On average, counseling for children can be three months or more, depending on their presenting issue. Counseling takes place once a week and usually for about 50 to 60 minutes.

Counseling for children is slightly different from that of adults in how it is conducted. This is due to their age. Parents can rest assured that at Keller counseling their child’s feelings, thoughts, and questions will be validated without judgment. They will be given a safe space, to be honest, and learn to trust.

When counseling children, one aspect of it that might be difficult to understand at first is the issue of confidentiality. For children to open up to their counselors they need to know that what they share will be kept in confidence.

Minors over 12 years old hold their confidence. Updates will be given to parents but not in a way that breaks that confidence, except in situations where the child might be a danger to themselves or others.

Benefits of Seeking Help

  • Provide a safe environment for children to share their struggles
  • Help them achieve their developmental goals
  • Assist in them regaining their self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Provide an environment to process painful events and emotions
  • Help in managing mental health disorders
  • A child will be armed with coping mechanisms for life’s stressors
  • Manage and treat substance abuse
  • Relief and hope for the family by getting professional help

Get Christian Counseling for Your Child

Christian counselors in Keller, Texas are waiting to hear from you if your family needs help with a child. At Keller Christian Counseling, we have counselors that will walk with your child and you as a family in a way that upholds the Word of God and His commands.

Our trained Therapists will work on a treatment plan that will see your child be the best version of themselves. If you feel your child might need help, reach out to our offices and a Christian counselor will be available to work with your child and offer support to the family during this process.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(817) 918-1787