Jesus Christ was one of the best orators ever, and he always used his good communication skills to preach and share God’s love. As Christians, this is our greatest mandate in life. To follow in Christ’s footsteps and use every means within our power to preach the good news of salvation to the world.

Let’s start by looking at some of the examples from the Bible of how Jesus and his disciples reached the masses in His days.

Examples of good communication skills from the Bible

The Bible tells us many epic stories of how Jesus and his disciples used creativity and, indeed, some innovative ideas to make sure that they managed to reach and affect as many people as possible.

Using the highest vantage point

Matthew 5 carries the wonderful story of what has become the most famous sermon ever preached, fondly known as the Sermon on the Mount. He chose to use his environment to his advantage and speak from an elevated level to reach more people.

To this day, the message he preached has reverberated through history and lives on in the hearts of Christians worldwide.

Using memorable literary devices

Jesus was a prolific poet who used his gift of poetic language and proverbs to convey wisdom and truth in a striking and creative manner. He also loved to use figurative speech in parables that were relatable short narratives to keep his listeners engaged.

Using captivating and memorable sayings

Jesus was a great wordsmith who coined many memorable sayings that are used by many people in and outside of the Christian community, like “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,” or “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.”.

Using demonstrative lessons

Jesus was practical and used plenty of demonstrations in his teachings to teach spiritual lessons. Many times he used certain actions, like washing feet or actual objects like a coin, to teach Caesar what belonged to him in Matthew 22.

We can all learn a lot from Jesus about using the tools and environment around us to help us reach out to our peers and communities with the message of salvation. In this digital era, we may not need to climb mountainsanymore, but we can still use modern advancements as tools for evangelism.

5 digital age ideas to enhance the sharing of God’s Word

Use digital social platforms

The internet can be a powerful tool for any person to hone good communication skills and use creative and innovative ideas to reach out to many people who now spend most of their time online. Create lovely graphic designs and use enticing images with catchy captions from Bible verses, testimonies, and inspirational content.

Email newsletter campaigns

Emails are a popular tool to share written or video content with large groups of people at one time. Make use of email newsletters to send devotional content, Bible studies, and invitations to online events.

Instant SMS campaigns

Instant messaging campaigns can be great for sending short, uplifting Bible verses, motivational messages, or notices to a lot of people. Use SMS platforms that can offer ready-made lists of contacts.

Video and audio marketing

Podcasts have become increasingly popular, so starting Christian podcasts, vlogs, or posting YouTube videos will help you engage with a broader audience and provide valuable content.

Online community engagement

Everyone is online these days. So the best place to start a poignant conversation is with online communities where believers share experiences, testimonies, and support for one another.

Sharing the gospel in creative and digital ways is probably one of the best ways to reach today’s audiences. By working on improving your communication skills, you can significantly amplify the impact of sharing the gospel.

If you need to talk to someone to help you find your voice and find the confidence to share with others, especially online. Christian counseling in Keller, Texas is a great place to start. Call us at Keller Christian Counseling in Texas and we’ll connect you with someone today.

“Pink Flowers”, Courtesy of Daniel Chicchon,, CC0 License